Juverin™ Is Highly Concentrated Ashwagandha Extract Designed to Naturally Promote Enhanced Male Hormone Activity.

Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions about Juverin!*

This part is actually quite simple. Juverin™ is naturally extracted and concentrated ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is full of powerful antioxidants that directly battle your "Cortisol" stress hormones. Cortisol is very damaging to your free testosterone, quickly taxing levels, especially as you age. Think back to times in your life you were really stressed. Elevated cortisol stress hormones kills daily energy, motivation and sex drive. Juverin™ simply eases your stress hormones, allowing your free testosterone to stay at the highest levels possible. 

Much different. TRT is Testosterone Replacement Therapy, meaning you are adding testosterone to your body. Juverin™ is a way to PROTECT the male hormone you have, keeping your free levels naturally high. Firstly, it is certainly far safer than TRT with no documented side effects over the last several years of testing (and no needles). Secondly, Juverin™ will not make your body "dependent" on the outside male hormone like TRT. In the end, the same goal is achieved, maximized male hormone. Juverin™ just does it in a safer (and less expensive) method. Remember, GDR Labs has also privately tested Juverin™ on over 15,000 men with exceptional results (Over 90% reported physical benefit). All in all, the results speak for themselves.

Absolutely! It is a very powerful combination.

PhytoTest™ will safely add 80 nanograms of free testosterone daily WHILE Juverin™ ensures your body keeps it intact. Using both simulatenously is a super combination.

Juverin™ is formulated to protect your current male hormone levels from age related decline, keeping your free male hormone levels high. The benefits of optimized male hormone are vast.

Healthy Bone Density
Decreased Body Fat
Increased Muscle & Strength​
Healthy & Fuller Hair​
Healthy Red Blood Production​
Increased Sex Drive
​Increased Sperm Count

In general, it is about everything that makes you a man, and supercharging it.

No! You can freely use Juverin™ in ANY tested athletic event

Full disclosure: Juverin™ was developed PURELY as a way to enhance free male hormone levels by fighting "male hormone waste". It will have bit of a "spicy" taste as one of the absorption accelerators is black pepper extract. GDR Labs has added natural flavoring to aid in the taste but you won't find it "candy" delicious. With that said the taste has received positive feedback also, and the entire point is powerful male hormone support.

Juverin™ is daily use and can be taken any time throughout the day. However, once you establish your schedule you will want to try to take it the same time daily so it absorbs and builds evenly in your system. Day or night is just fine, just pick a time when you are likely to remember. 

Yes, enhanced free male hormone levels will support your sexual function. Remember, the male hormone is the male "sex" hormone. With optimized levels your desire and performance will see a huge boost. You will want to be as sexually active as possible while on Juverin™.

Firstly, we are not medical doctors and cannot make health recommendations. However, this is a great question as many "testosterone treatments" have heart related side effects. We will say that none of the ingredients in Juverin™ have reported heart related side effects. In fact, extracted Ashwagandha has tremendous health benefits, and is also known as a super food.

Absolutely! Females certainly need healthy hormone levels, and the elevated cortisol affects all humans, male or female.

Another great question! Regardless of online marketing your penis size is determined by god given genetics. However, Juverin™ (and maximized male hormone levels) will help you reach "full attention" which can certainly give off the appearance (and feel) of a size increase.

We highly recommend ONLY using daily Juverin™ if you plan on being active such as walking, running, golfing, etc. You will want to put your new levels to good use. We would also recommend regular sexually activity. Now, we are not saying you HAVE to do it daily unless you want to. However, if you go weeks or months without activity or sex you will be left with constant and sensitive erections that could become a nuisance. This is a result of increased male hormone.

It works night and day. Remember, Juverin™ isn't promoting "male hormone production" it is keeping the male hormone you have secure. The net result is higher, daily free male hormone levels. According to data and tests, Juverin™ is FAR more effective than store bought "test booster" pills. 

Results will vary from person to person, as with all drugs and supplements. However, the scientific findings and private testing have shown over a 90% success rate.

Only pharmaceuticals can achieve full FDA approval. However, Juverin™ is produced by GDRLabs™ where it is American made in an FDA audited facility per GMP standards.

You can try Juverin™ with no risk for 90 days which is plenty of time for you to fall in love with it. If it doesn't bring any physical or sexual benefit you can return for a full refund. 

Juverin™ is exclusively manufactured and distributed by GDRLabs™. It is 100% American made and fully produced in their FDA audited US facility.

The "Feel" of Juverin™ is highly personal. Some users feel very little until they go to do something physical. Others feel a nearly immediate "energy and well being" boost. Most men wake up feeling better and more engaged, ready to take on life. Men have also reported feeling much more sexually invigorated and desire comes rushing back. Ultimately, you will have to try it to see how it affects you. 

As mentioned earlier, we cannot give medical advice and all users have different drug combinations at play.

Nonetheless, none of the ingredients in Juverin™ have been shown to have negative drug interactions. However, some drugs are sensitive to increased male hormone levels so that is something you will need to address with your medical professional. 

All ingredients in Juverin™ have been verified as side effect free. Additionally, GDR Labs has not reported any side effects over nearly five years of testing. The only concern may be "nuisance erections" if you are not sexually or physical active. Higher testosterone is like high octane fuel, your body will want to use it.

No, we have ensured it is affordable. It is priced well below other male hormone protocols of same (or even lower) potency, about 1/10th the cost of TRT. Part of our development goal was to ensure it was affordable for the average American consumer.

Firstly, as mentioned above, Juverin™ was not formulated for taste, you may not find it "tasty" to use daily. Secondly, it is made to build in your system so it may take a few days to a few weeks for you to see maximized benefit (which is why you have 90 days to try it). As Juverin™ builds, more and more of your free testosterone will stay working for you. Finally, you will achieve sensitive erections throughout the day so will need to relieve them with sexual activity.